Lecture 4 – Data Visualization & Plotting (Analyzing Police Shootings In US)

This lecture Mr. Gray showed us how we manipulated and drew several visualizations using the police shootings data for a certain query that was brought up by one of the students, and drew different conclusions.

We learned about:

    • Data Plotting
    • Finding Averages, Standard Deviations in order to identify abnormalities in data
    • Creating Visualizations from data findings
    • Using Wolfram & R (Mathematica) for mathematical computing

I’ll be further exploring the use of Wolfram to relate with some of the questions I came up with from the police shootings data, and see if I can draw meaningful conclusions.

Lecture 3 – Analyzing Police Shootings In US ( Jan 22 – March 7) Continued…

In our third lecture, we continued our community discussions on the police shootings data. Discussing and sharing questions every person came up with each other. We also looked at different ways to visually present the data in from of a report. Mr. Gary shared how one of the students question’s led him to come up with a detailed report that he created, with visual representation.

We also talked about ANOVA analysis which is done comparing different variances.

Lecture 2 – Analyzing Police Shootings In US ( Jan 22 – March 7) Continued…

Second lecture was mainly based on discussion about the work each group had done in the first lecture. Each group shared a set of questions that they came up with after analyzing the Police Shootings data, and shared what purpose they were trying to achieve.

We talked on how sharing questions with one another could help others come up with more interesting questions or pinch another thought stream.

I, along with my group member, came up with the following questions initially: 

    • Why do some people have body cameras on? 
    • What’s the racial composition based off of the zip code and location? 
    • How often is the killings talked about in the news? 
    • How does the data for people with mental illness adds value to this report? 

Here’s what we learnt the main focus should be while drafting questions from a dataset:

              “What impact are you trying to make and what influence?”

This helps come with up with deep though provoking questions and triggers your ability to critically analyze the dataset.

Lecture 1 – Analyzing Police Shootings In US ( Jan 22 – March 7)

In the first lecture, we analyzed a large dataset of approximately 10,000 people that were killed over the period of last few months in the US. We brainstormed and came up with questions based off of the date provided. We also brainstormed on different approaches on how to look at data and draw meaningful insights from data.

Welcome to My Personal Website!

The purpose of this website is to provide regular updates on the work that I will be doing in my MTH 522 class. I’ll be sharing about abstract concepts, sophisticated techniques, and rigorous proof-based reasoning that we learn in this class.