Lecture 4 – Data Visualization & Plotting (Analyzing Police Shootings In US)

This lecture Mr. Gray showed us how we manipulated and drew several visualizations using the police shootings data for a certain query that was brought up by one of the students, and drew different conclusions.

We learned about:

    • Data Plotting
    • Finding Averages, Standard Deviations in order to identify abnormalities in data
    • Creating Visualizations from data findings
    • Using Wolfram & R (Mathematica) for mathematical computing

I’ll be further exploring the use of Wolfram to relate with some of the questions I came up with from the police shootings data, and see if I can draw meaningful conclusions.

Lecture 3 – Analyzing Police Shootings In US ( Jan 22 – March 7) Continued…

In our third lecture, we continued our community discussions on the police shootings data. Discussing and sharing questions every person came up with each other. We also looked at different ways to visually present the data in from of a report. Mr. Gary shared how one of the students question’s led him to come up with a detailed report that he created, with visual representation.

We also talked about ANOVA analysis which is done comparing different variances.